We smashed the record!

Bitpros, CryptoMondays LA & Melrose PR will be co-hosting a record-breaking event for best female attendance at any crypto meetup EVER! This night will bring together all of the women powered LA-based companies to network, listen, and discuss the power of Bitcoin & Blockchain, featuring a LIVE! Podcast Recording on Crypto Token Talk, and a chance to win $150 in Bitcoin. Please join Melrose PR, SenseChat, Crypto Blockchain Plug, The Rabbit Hole, Women of Crypto and Crypto Token Talk to make this happen. Let’s go down in history! [...]
Tamara Zubatiy, Founder & CEO, Vericrypt
One Dozen Rabbits Podcast #17

Vericrypt uses machine learning and AI to help identify the emotional content and bias of news. The plan is for it to run autonomously on a distributed system so it will be a completely independent guidepost to news trust. We spoke to Tamara Zubatiy, CEO of Vericrypt, about how her team is building tools to fight back against media and data manipulation. To do this, they’ve studied objective language, and figured out how to separate information from stylistic overlays that are designed to manipulate. They started with crypto news, but up next..the 2020 election.
Tamara recently graduated from UC San Diego with a BS in Cognitive Science with emphasis on Machine Learning and Human Computer Interaction. [...]